Saturday, February 10, 2007

Music, and What ???

Well, what is going on ?? I was trying to hyper link this.. and, uh... it never does let me link things on here.. I wonder if I am doing something wrong... HMMM....

Yepp, I have decided to take some Guitar Lessons, on line! Yea, I think that I want to learn now to play, or at least get the idea of it. As much as I love music, I think I ought to be able to... be creative if that is what I decide. Right now I am not feeling like me.
I mean, it is me... but there seems that alot has just kind off put to the side, and things are just now starting to hit me. Weird, huh?

Anyways, I got lost in this fair town. I knew that when I first drove into this town that I would not like it. I surely have given it a go, tho! I remember wayyy, long ago when we were on our way back into San Francisco from one of those family vacations to Disneyland, and we were to stop here in San Jose, I think one of my Dad's cousins or something like that .. and we got lost! :( LOL, maybe I knew then, that this would be the town that I would feel lost in! I have just lived here for over a year... and 3 months... and I am ready to say good bye to it. I do not know what it is that I do not like about this town...
I know at this time, I need to figure out just exactly what it is that I need to do, and that is in reference to my personal self.

You know, you would never think that, at the age that I am at, things like this should not be happening. I feel like I am going through the change of life or something. I mean, I thought I went through this when I was like 35 or something like that. Isn't that what you call a mid life crisis? Do they even call it that anymore?
Could it be that I ought to be very thankful of the things that I do have, and that would be my health at the moment! I found out this past week, that , Yes, I do rememeber when my younger brother was hospitalized for his seizures! And it is having its ill effects on him still. Yes, He is on a medical suspension from driving! I just found that one out. I did not know that his blood pressure had been a pain in the butt for all this time.

And I found out that my sister was just hospitalized for a faulty valve in her heart, Yes, I found out that she had a cardio serg... replacing that bad valve. I thought that since I have been the one taking all the meds that I do take, that I was the one that got blessed with the ailments of the family! Aparently not! I have been the one that has been least bothered by it. I have been able to control these diseases with the meds. It has hit my siblings like a mighty blast that it turned into life and death situations. I have to be more weary and make sure that I do take care of myself. But at the same time, I cannot depress myself to think that I should not be the one that was blessed with not having to face the cruelness of the illness.

There has been alot going on in my life, and those of you that know me, know that I have pretty much have kept it together. So, is it time for me to break down.. I only mean that more on the emotional side. Alot going on and alot on my plate, STILL..when does it subside?


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