Sunday, March 4, 2007

Well, its Been a while

Heyyy there... So what has everyone been up to? I have been taking care of business, and trying to keep a straight head on my shoulders. I miss posting on my bloggs, but sometimes it has been a little hard to even get on line! I am still trying to get the little things straightened out, along with my brothers' affairs.
Trying to get my mail in order, and well, its just been a little tough on the road here. I have an interview tomorrow in the city... with a property managment company...Woooowheeeeeee... management of San Francisco Condo's... Can you believe that? I believe that all that I have been through, there must be a reason for all of this and for me to be where I am at my life right now! I am on a public computer, so to speak....
I do have my laptop, but I have not been able to catch a wifi frequency! :(( I wanted to post a couple of pictures, but it just seems that once I think about it, I am not around a computer...I am taking pics with a cell phone!! LOL I never imagined that I would be taking pictures from a cell phone! Oh well.... I will be catching up as much as I can with everyone's blogs.... I will keep you all posted as best as I can...


1 comment:

Carol said...

Hello my friend. Been thinking about you and wondering how you are. You doing alright?