Well, yes, its been an interesting couple of months!! I went to work, the last time I posted here on this blogg, and during lunch time, I received a phone call from brother! Yea, I was informed that my cousin had passed away.. he was just six months older than me, and we kinda grew up together! I have been sick.. as well, With just Sinus stuff,,, and well, the last time I posted on here, was the day of his wake, now that I am thinking about it! I was not told that he had Hep C, until after all that!
Was that the reason I was supposed to try keep up with the chat group, Carol?? Hee Hee! I know that I did not want to just post about the dilemnas that I may be going through! I mean, with that... and other things... it just seems like... Goodness, we should not be just dwell on the things that we think that we cannot handle!
During that time, though.. even as I read what I have written, that was all that was really happening to me! In the past three weeks, I have been at work.. I have gone to work every day that I am supposed to! Yea... NO dilemnas, not too bad... I am now able to travel on my commute by train!! Wheeeeee! Yes, a very simple thing to most people, well, seemed like such a chore! I hated that... I know that I enjoy my job on Alcatraz Island... I enjoy the serenity, the peacefulness (yes, even with all the tourist!)the beauty of the Island! I also enjoy the people that I meet, even though, it may be for a second, or a minute, I see the intrigue, and learning experience that the visitors have had! I look forward to my boat ride in the mornings!
Now.. Yet another season is coming upon the horizon! Yep...The Summer! Means Shoreline and the concert schedule for this year! Its starting to happen! I am getting excited, and am ready to book my first concert for the Season! Oh yea, but we must go and update our information with the theater!! ::) That will be on Saturday.. and living less than 10 (ten) miles from the theater! To me, 10 miles is nothing, compared to the 40 that I travel to Alcatraz! I did it last year.. when I lived in the City... and made it to work.. So, I am sure that I can handle the little ride after the concerts! I am really looking forward to this!! Anyways..I just wanted to update! I have new days off too!!!.. That would be om Fridays and Saturdays... So really I see things starting to shape!
That would be a friend of mine.. Steve S in the pic here!