Well, I think this is the first time in a long time that I have not to wake up by a certain time, or to be somewhere by a certain time! It feels good, and I think maybe that I should not get to liking this too much! LOL. I was able to visit with a friend online that I have not talked to in ages. We shared some pictures, and just chatted and talked for a minute. He had made prior plans with another friend, and was heading out for a fishing trip with his buds! I am glad that he was able to take a few minutes for me! I think its what I needed, no doubt! I am feeling good and relaxed!
Within this past month, Alcatraz has gone to the Summer Time Schedule, and each of us, has to rearrange out work schedule. Two days, in at 8:45 to 4:45 and the other three days we go in 10:30 to 6:30. It makes a later day but Its all good! I feel as if I am still trying to adjust to the couple hours of difference in the time of the day.
This past week, it just seemed so long, I was really looking forward to just hang out at the house! As well, I also started up a couple other things in Event Staff, and also the concerts at Shoreline are starting to happen. I did (ushered) for the KISS FM 'Old School Fiesta', about mid May, and event staffed for the San Jose University Graduations. Not Bad, I figure.. with concerts coming up more in July, Aug, ... and So on...at Shoreline, that I have been kind of prepping myself physically. so that I can do the concerts on my weekends away from the Island!
There are a couple shows that I am getting excited about and that would be for Police, and Guest Elvis Costello. Counting Crows, oh yes, the Crue Fest! And we Cannot forget about Stevie Wonder!! Yes, All this talent and more.., is enough to get yourself 'prepped' to do!! Anyways, Ima justa chilling today... cuz it is So HOT here!