This is the Pace Car for the San Jose Grand Prix this year. I had the opportunity to work this event, and I had a good time! It was hot, muggy, and wow! Here is more detail on how my weekend went on
that event!Coolmama says more about this at .... http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-6.l_q0cydKnw_Ket5wMQDJ.PT_Vndw--?cq=1&p=387 !
I also worked at Shoreline on Sunday for the Projekt Revolution!! That concert was rocking and it was Loud! I still did not need to wear my ear plugs.. So, in realty, not too loud! ;) Linkin Park had the crowd rocking, dancing, on their seats... standing... and so on and so on!! Chemical Romance also... had the place rocking! :( Unfortunatly, I was not able to watch the other bands... .I had to check tickets! There seemed like there was alot going on at that time in the section that I was assigned to! By the time I was able to stand for a second and watch the show... Uh, yes, Chemical Romance was already on stage. As I was listening... and not knowing which band was on stage... I definately enjoyed the music!
Well, will it be Alcatraz.. or will it be... Uh,... Working at the forty niner training camp? The person that I interviewed with... called me and was having a hard time verifying my employment records! He needed an Employer number... and well, I don't do that kind of stuff... so I called someone to find out how this thing is done! Seems like its a very very corporate thing. I went to the website that they were refering to... and the social security number they also need to verify! I am not too sure how that works... and I am not sure I really like that idea either. O well...Anyways.. gotta run! Gotta study a bit.. Tomorrow is RUSH at the Shoreline.. and well... The niner Training camp coming up friday and into next week!
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