It was about a year ago, that I became a permanent employee of Alcatraz, and I do remember being on the roof of the Cell House as FLEET WEEK and San Francisco are in the same sentence! I do have different days off, and I will be enjoying the Blue Angels, and The ThunderBirds tomorrow! The traffic will be hurrendous, and well... That what its all about! I heard on the News .. that the Embarcadero should be expecting approximately... ONE MILLION visitors! And I do believe that when I was driving in it last year! Uhhh, the Angels should be just about getting started about now for the first show. and then tomorrow.. will be their second show! I am glad that today I am 35 miles south of the City.. I will deal with that tomorrow!
Tonight... Carlos Santana... is what is on my agenda for the night! YES!!! I am soo looking forward to this show... but I also said that about the last show that I worked, which was Cheap Trick, Heart and Journey!!
YESSSSSS!!! Talent is local and from back in the day! Do not get me wrong.. I enjoy new music...and I believe that the groups that I have just mentioned have THAT too! Wooo Hoooo.... what more can one say about the groups that I mentioned... need not have to explain!
Anyways, I just had a couple seconds before I need to go into another mind set...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Its been a long time coming....
Wow... I cannot believe that its been the whole summer that I have not been blogging or even on the computer much! I have been keeping very busy at Alcatraz with the summer adjusted schedules, and along with the ushering that I do at Shoreline has kept me busy and on the go.... for a FAST MINUTE here! I am soo Glad that I have a day off from both places today, and it does feel good! Do not get me wrong....
I enjoyed Stevie Wonder, The Rock Star Mayhem Festival, The Download Fest, Police, Elvis Costello, Toby Keith, John Mayer, Disturbed and Slip Knot, Scorpions, Sammy H (Yes, Red Rocker, himself)and oh yes... The CrueFest!! Projeck Revolution with Linkin Park! Wow! and last weekend.. was the Rock The Bells Concert!
As I am listing these various artists and concerts and festivals... NO WONDER I have not been online... these are over and above the 40 that I do on the Island!!! Season at Shoreline is starting to slow a bit, but I still have Judas Priest, Heaven and Hell, and MOtorhead to look forward to... along with the Counting Crows, and even SANTANA!!
I really enjoy the summer time... tonight in San Francisco starts the Big huge concert 'OUTSIDE LANDS FEST' in Golden Gate Park! I was asked to work it, but I think I just done ran out of energy! I will be missing BECK, Radiohead, Steve Winwood, Tom Petty............... ALL of it! I had already booked my shows for the month, and this was added on.... and I must obligate myself to the original bookings! It just would not be fair! SO I do have the Comedy Jam headlining Kat Williams! :)
I did not want to say anything, cuz I would just piss myself off... but there really has been alot of talent in the Bay Area this year, and I am really happy that I was able to enjoy alot of it!
Anyways... If any of you from Alcatraz reads this, you know that I have been busy and
enjoying the extra entertainment and I promised you all that I would rest today... SO on that note... I shall sign out for the moment!
I enjoyed Stevie Wonder, The Rock Star Mayhem Festival, The Download Fest, Police, Elvis Costello, Toby Keith, John Mayer, Disturbed and Slip Knot, Scorpions, Sammy H (Yes, Red Rocker, himself)and oh yes... The CrueFest!! Projeck Revolution with Linkin Park! Wow! and last weekend.. was the Rock The Bells Concert!
As I am listing these various artists and concerts and festivals... NO WONDER I have not been online... these are over and above the 40 that I do on the Island!!! Season at Shoreline is starting to slow a bit, but I still have Judas Priest, Heaven and Hell, and MOtorhead to look forward to... along with the Counting Crows, and even SANTANA!!
I really enjoy the summer time... tonight in San Francisco starts the Big huge concert 'OUTSIDE LANDS FEST' in Golden Gate Park! I was asked to work it, but I think I just done ran out of energy! I will be missing BECK, Radiohead, Steve Winwood, Tom Petty............... ALL of it! I had already booked my shows for the month, and this was added on.... and I must obligate myself to the original bookings! It just would not be fair! SO I do have the Comedy Jam headlining Kat Williams! :)
I did not want to say anything, cuz I would just piss myself off... but there really has been alot of talent in the Bay Area this year, and I am really happy that I was able to enjoy alot of it!
Anyways... If any of you from Alcatraz reads this, you know that I have been busy and
enjoying the extra entertainment and I promised you all that I would rest today... SO on that note... I shall sign out for the moment!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Summertime Schedule

Well, I think this is the first time in a long time that I have not to wake up by a certain time, or to be somewhere by a certain time! It feels good, and I think maybe that I should not get to liking this too much! LOL. I was able to visit with a friend online that I have not talked to in ages. We shared some pictures, and just chatted and talked for a minute. He had made prior plans with another friend, and was heading out for a fishing trip with his buds! I am glad that he was able to take a few minutes for me! I think its what I needed, no doubt! I am feeling good and relaxed!
Within this past month, Alcatraz has gone to the Summer Time Schedule, and each of us, has to rearrange out work schedule. Two days, in at 8:45 to 4:45 and the other three days we go in 10:30 to 6:30. It makes a later day but Its all good! I feel as if I am still trying to adjust to the couple hours of difference in the time of the day.
This past week, it just seemed so long, I was really looking forward to just hang out at the house! As well, I also started up a couple other things in Event Staff, and also the concerts at Shoreline are starting to happen. I did (ushered) for the KISS FM 'Old School Fiesta', about mid May, and event staffed for the San Jose University Graduations. Not Bad, I figure.. with concerts coming up more in July, Aug, ... and So Shoreline, that I have been kind of prepping myself physically. so that I can do the concerts on my weekends away from the Island!
There are a couple shows that I am getting excited about and that would be for Police, and Guest Elvis Costello. Counting Crows, oh yes, the Crue Fest! And we Cannot forget about Stevie Wonder!! Yes, All this talent and more.., is enough to get yourself 'prepped' to do!! Anyways, Ima justa chilling today... cuz it is So HOT here!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wanted to share a video that is very precious!
Wanted tpo ge this on here .. on my way out to work... Will be back to comment! That be My cuz and his family...!!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Hello World!

Well, yes, its been an interesting couple of months!! I went to work, the last time I posted here on this blogg, and during lunch time, I received a phone call from brother! Yea, I was informed that my cousin had passed away.. he was just six months older than me, and we kinda grew up together! I have been sick.. as well, With just Sinus stuff,,, and well, the last time I posted on here, was the day of his wake, now that I am thinking about it! I was not told that he had Hep C, until after all that!
Was that the reason I was supposed to try keep up with the chat group, Carol?? Hee Hee! I know that I did not want to just post about the dilemnas that I may be going through! I mean, with that... and other things... it just seems like... Goodness, we should not be just dwell on the things that we think that we cannot handle!
During that time, though.. even as I read what I have written, that was all that was really happening to me! In the past three weeks, I have been at work.. I have gone to work every day that I am supposed to! Yea... NO dilemnas, not too bad... I am now able to travel on my commute by train!! Wheeeeee! Yes, a very simple thing to most people, well, seemed like such a chore! I hated that... I know that I enjoy my job on Alcatraz Island... I enjoy the serenity, the peacefulness (yes, even with all the tourist!)the beauty of the Island! I also enjoy the people that I meet, even though, it may be for a second, or a minute, I see the intrigue, and learning experience that the visitors have had! I look forward to my boat ride in the mornings!
Now.. Yet another season is coming upon the horizon! Yep...The Summer! Means Shoreline and the concert schedule for this year! Its starting to happen! I am getting excited, and am ready to book my first concert for the Season! Oh yea, but we must go and update our information with the theater!! ::) That will be on Saturday.. and living less than 10 (ten) miles from the theater! To me, 10 miles is nothing, compared to the 40 that I travel to Alcatraz! I did it last year.. when I lived in the City... and made it to work.. So, I am sure that I can handle the little ride after the concerts! I am really looking forward to this!! Anyways..I just wanted to update! I have new days off too!!!.. That would be om Fridays and Saturdays... So really I see things starting to shape!
That would be a friend of mine.. Steve S in the pic here!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Its Been
Well, since the beginning of the year, things have happened both for the good and for the not so good. I am handling things alot better than I have been... I have moved into my apartment! I am getting over an upper respitory infection, I lost a cousin! I am really handling things much better than I was.... than a year ago.
If any one might be interested, I am back on line... yet at the same time, I have to get back to work. There is alot going on there as well. I am looking foreward for tne season to begin at Shoreline! I believe that I am back to being ME again! I like that thought... Anyways...
PEACE! I have been off work for about a week... sickness, and losing my cousin... back to work tomorrow! YEA!!!!
If any one might be interested, I am back on line... yet at the same time, I have to get back to work. There is alot going on there as well. I am looking foreward for tne season to begin at Shoreline! I believe that I am back to being ME again! I like that thought... Anyways...
PEACE! I have been off work for about a week... sickness, and losing my cousin... back to work tomorrow! YEA!!!!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Ok, So I am still here!
So, Its the new year, and I am still here! I am thankful of that! Wow, these past weeks, I never realized just how much was done, still has to get done, and 'whew! I tell you that it is not easy! You all probably know that, So, really no need for me to emphasize that. Anyways, today I had a day off, and was actually checking some email, and I napped, and here I am on the net. I have not been online very much at all, and I really do miss communicating, here online.
Already, its been a year since my older passed away, and now I am taking care of my younger brother! Where is my sister, you ask? Oh yea, she went to Hawaii.. .How about that??
Another birthday is coming up for me, and some one that thinks she is getting older... I am! Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Anyways,.. Finally, the Parastransit of San Francisco, has now set up an interview with my brother so that he can use their services. This may actually free up my time some! We shall see! It seems, that the paperwork involved with the various projects that I have going... I honestly do not know if I am coming or going. I have split days off.. So that really makes it bad, cuz I really do not know which day it really is!! LOL
I want to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year! Enjoy yourselves, and know that what you do is true to your heart!
Already, its been a year since my older passed away, and now I am taking care of my younger brother! Where is my sister, you ask? Oh yea, she went to Hawaii.. .How about that??
Another birthday is coming up for me, and some one that thinks she is getting older... I am! Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Anyways,.. Finally, the Parastransit of San Francisco, has now set up an interview with my brother so that he can use their services. This may actually free up my time some! We shall see! It seems, that the paperwork involved with the various projects that I have going... I honestly do not know if I am coming or going. I have split days off.. So that really makes it bad, cuz I really do not know which day it really is!! LOL
I want to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year! Enjoy yourselves, and know that what you do is true to your heart!
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