Wow,this week has gone by.. or going by so fast. Unbelievable!! Either I am just having too much fun (I doubt that), or that I have been real busy! I have been doing the work search in, and even interviewing! I have had to run down to San Jose a couple of times already.. and I may be tired! Today, I went down there, and well, all that I needed to accomplish there was not done! I did, however have a nice day. I helped out a friend, and we did spend some time together, and that was nice! I knew that Danny had to take care of some business, So I really did not expect to spend any time with him,really!
We had lunch, and he had an appointment this afternoon, so I took him to his appointment! After that, we spent some time in the park, and just little stuffs like that. It was nice, and was asked to spend more time with him, this Friday evening ;)
I liked that idea, and told him so! What I really wanted to post about was on my mind, but then .. you see, this guy Danny here, just kept popping into my head.... So what I wanted to write about.. I will in another post! And this is to remind me: About Bryan and his trials and tribulations with EHC, and my opinion on his matter and how it effected me this week.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
I hope this might be right
Sine I cannot get this little thing onto my blogg on mySpace, I am going to post it on here and hopefully can link it over and viced versa... So here is the link for"
So that you will can somehow all come together
Feels Good to Be...'Normal'?
I know that technically it is Sunday, But I wanted to share something today. I had a very good day today.. and that would be referring to Saturday. I had a great time with my friend Bridget... I spent the day with her on Friday. I have known Bridget since I was 14 years old. I know that it is still considered the Bay Area.. From San Francisco to San Jose... but lots of times.. that much distance can make a difference.
I am glad that I am able to see her and Dilly more frequently... even tho.. we know that we each have our own lives.. its soooo good to ge together with them... when ever we do. Dilly, (Diane) I have known Kindergarten... so yea,,, we go back a ways.. .
Then the pressure was on me...there was a job fair that I was supposed to go to, and I really did not want to go,... but being that it was my idea anyways to apply at this particular place... I kind of suggestted to Bryan.. and to some other people too n San Jose.... it was rainy... did not get enough rest the night before... So I was really dragging ASS!... Thanx Dilly... n Bridgee... I am glad that I made it to the Shoreline Amphithearter for the job fair.... cuz 5 people ... which included myself got our seasonal job and can say that we will be employed affective May 5, after the orientation meeting.. filling out the I-9's and stuff.
I feel better ...and the look on the other people's faces that came with my son and I... well... all of a sudden I see hope and joy in 4 young people's faces! That meant more to me than ... I mean, what could mean more ?? When we got back out to the car... uh I asked... Does anyone know how much we are getting paid?? LOL
Cuz I sure didn't and still do not..... Do you think I wanted to take on this adventure and experience ?? I think so! .... Partty of 2007 ???? I like it!!
I am glad that I am able to see her and Dilly more frequently... even tho.. we know that we each have our own lives.. its soooo good to ge together with them... when ever we do. Dilly, (Diane) I have known Kindergarten... so yea,,, we go back a ways.. .
Then the pressure was on me...there was a job fair that I was supposed to go to, and I really did not want to go,... but being that it was my idea anyways to apply at this particular place... I kind of suggestted to Bryan.. and to some other people too n San Jose.... it was rainy... did not get enough rest the night before... So I was really dragging ASS!... Thanx Dilly... n Bridgee... I am glad that I made it to the Shoreline Amphithearter for the job fair.... cuz 5 people ... which included myself got our seasonal job and can say that we will be employed affective May 5, after the orientation meeting.. filling out the I-9's and stuff.
I feel better ...and the look on the other people's faces that came with my son and I... well... all of a sudden I see hope and joy in 4 young people's faces! That meant more to me than ... I mean, what could mean more ?? When we got back out to the car... uh I asked... Does anyone know how much we are getting paid?? LOL
Cuz I sure didn't and still do not..... Do you think I wanted to take on this adventure and experience ?? I think so! .... Partty of 2007 ???? I like it!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Chrissy... Innocense!?!

Here is another friend of mine... her name is Chrissy! I enjoyed working with her in the Kitchen as well. Her innocence and her open-mindedness is what got me about her. Her ability to not judge people, and in such a way that can only be done by her. Many times she has read me like a book, and was able to cheer me up with just a piece of candy! Yepp, that is Chrissy! How she ended up at the picnic, was that I saw her walking as we were picking up food at Smart n Final.. I told her to meet us there, since I was in traffic, and that she was to spend the afternoon with me. And that she did! I am glad that she felt comfortable enough to come and spend the day with us. I think she had a good time, and I think that she needed a day away from EHC that day too! I know that Bryan has also worked with her in the kitchen, so I know that he would not mind.
Anyways, Chrissy was one person that could make a bad day into one that seemed acceptable! Thanx Chrissy!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Graduaton Celebration!

Well, On Sunday, there was a BBQ picnic in San Jose, for the celebration for my son's graduation. We had bergers, hot dogs, ribs, chicken... of course with Potatoe and Macaroni Salad. We all had a good time... and there was no DRAMA.. how about that? That is what made it so nice. Anyways... the plan is to take some people to Shoreline Amphitheather to get some seasonal work in.... and to get to see some concerts! YEA!! I am down for that! I think that would be a great way to spend some of the summer!
Anyways, think that talking about the EHC (Emergency Housing Consortium) kinda makes me feel depressed. I know the goings on there as a resident... and well, I know that the intentions are to help!.... At least to help the ones that want to help themselves. I worked in the kitchen... and that guaranteed me a place to lay my head. I learned alot from the Chef and the Cook of the kitchen! Both Paul and Sherman are good people, and are good people to work with. To me, it seems that they understand what goes on there, and as, can keep a compassionate side to them on an individual basis. They are aware that not all people are the same! I give them my respect.
In the picture that I have posted on this post is a person that I met... Another mother at the shelter, along with her son. We made friends immediately, and I am glad that I had the pleasure of meeting them. I found out that her and her son are victims of Katrina! Whoa! Yes, Clarisa, and her son, Carlos.... have been a through alot, something that I cannot imagine. Enough for this evening!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Did I make the right decision?
Well, why am I feeling so down and out? I really ought to be happy that I am away from the shelter! I guess, because I know what goes on... and what one feels in a place like that... and I left my son there! I know that he is old enough, and he should be taking care of his business. Unless you have been in the shelter, there really is no way for you to understand what I am feeling right now! I do not mean to sound any kind of cold or anything like that.. I think I just have a heart that is too soft.
Until last week, I felt like I was more feeling the depression for everyone else! I felt for the staff.... I felt for the 'Grannys' and.. .Wow....! What does one do now? Coming into this new situation, I guess I am going to through the adjustment period? A good possibility that that is happening! I guess that I have alot of mixed feeling going on inside of me that I just do not know which is really the really emotion! I know that it sounds silly... Thats just me .. thats all! I think I shoul slpurge and have some ice cream and strawberries... wanna join ???
Until last week, I felt like I was more feeling the depression for everyone else! I felt for the staff.... I felt for the 'Grannys' and.. .Wow....! What does one do now? Coming into this new situation, I guess I am going to through the adjustment period? A good possibility that that is happening! I guess that I have alot of mixed feeling going on inside of me that I just do not know which is really the really emotion! I know that it sounds silly... Thats just me .. thats all! I think I shoul slpurge and have some ice cream and strawberries... wanna join ???
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sharing a Friend
Monday, April 9, 2007
Paying the Way through the Kitchen

Well this is a picture from my camera phone, of my son! This picture was taken the third day that we were at the Shelter.... (Emergency Housing Consortium). I know that we have been going through alot of emotional stuff.. and we still had adjustments to make about our lives. Doesn't he look so enthused??? LOL ... He knows that I am just kidding around. This was also before we got the information that we could even work there as volunteers and that would guarantee a place to lay our heads at night! Yea, there was the lottery system there for the most part, which meant that we had to throw our ID's into the bucket and they could call a certain amount of people and those are the ones that 'won the lottery' for that day.
Luckily, My son and I had won the lottery each.. with our fingers crossed behind our backs! :) Then we found out that there are 'programs' there! Programs to become volunteer workers, and depending on the program, it could guarantee a bed for your either 30 or 45 days! I thought, that is a good idea... I sure would feel better about working for a place to sleep, rather than to just bum, and hope and a prayer that I would know where I would sleep at night!
My son and I were told about working in the Kitchen. WE went into the kitchen one Wednesday morning, and well... we were in luck! We shouted in to the kitchen to a cook named Sherman, asking if he needed help in the kitchen... and lo and behold, we found out later on that day, they had to get rid of the crew that was there, just yesterday... meaning the day before we stuck our head in to ask! So that started the career as a volunteer in the kitchen area. I had worked for a YMCA summer camp before, so I understood the work, and the safety issues that an industrial kitchen needed to operate. My son had worked for fast food places, so he understood the commercial kitchen as well. I thought.. this is not bad... I have experience in this stuff... with all the sanitation, and cleanliness of that type of kitchen
We found out that we actually got to have lockers to put our stuff in, which is something that is so much of a luxury...
So, our first meal prepared was Scrambled Eggs, Waffles and bacon. Of Course there was juice, and water and COFFEE!
I know I was feeling productive at this point! We even got a special table for the Kitchen Staff to sit at! HeHeHeHe.. I know that sounds kind of funny, but working in a kitchen feeding approximately 150 people per meal, is hard work. This picture is one of my son.. before we started in the kitchen.. we were standing in line... waiting on a meal....
Sunday, April 8, 2007
And so I am back!
Wow, got to sleep in today! Sleeping in meaning that I slept in til after 6AM... Yepp, that was the time that I was getting up no matter what! I have learned alot of things in the past couple of months, and I still say today as I said the day that I went into a shelter! No matter how much money... No matter what.... I think that everyone should experience living in a homeless shelter at least for One week!
I have found that I have met many different people there. Some that are in there for whatever reason.. Some working the system.... and well... Its kind of amazing how the staff of one of these places can be so compassionate... yet at the same time have that rough edge to make different people listen to them! I have learned that there are resources out there for ones that are really trying to get their lives back together! I have met Viet Nam vets... now this one actually kills me... there are our vets out there that are living in shelters! Let alone, there are older people... that one would call a 'Granny'.. or 'Papa' out there.. that probably have worked their whole lives and then to see where some an end up.... maybe not so much cuz of money.... it can be just about perdicuments... that people have oome across, and have nothing that they could have done about it! To me, it just does not seem fair for some of these people! For me, I thought, wow... How can this be? And yet the shelters can impliment certain rules that feels as if they are taking away out constitutional rights.. but you know, there is no law that says that these places have to house anyone ... let alone feed us!
The first thing that got to me, was the fact that the staff had to deal with so many different types of people that only a special person can do that! And they are just trying todo their jobs! I commend the staff at EHC! I am no longer there, although, my son still is! I believe that there are people he has met there, that he feels that he can help! I give a salute to my son! GO BRYAN!
In my next few posts, I will be telling of some of my experiences at EHC (Emergency Housng Consortium) Its been a real experience and I will never forget the people that I have met!
I have found that I have met many different people there. Some that are in there for whatever reason.. Some working the system.... and well... Its kind of amazing how the staff of one of these places can be so compassionate... yet at the same time have that rough edge to make different people listen to them! I have learned that there are resources out there for ones that are really trying to get their lives back together! I have met Viet Nam vets... now this one actually kills me... there are our vets out there that are living in shelters! Let alone, there are older people... that one would call a 'Granny'.. or 'Papa' out there.. that probably have worked their whole lives and then to see where some an end up.... maybe not so much cuz of money.... it can be just about perdicuments... that people have oome across, and have nothing that they could have done about it! To me, it just does not seem fair for some of these people! For me, I thought, wow... How can this be? And yet the shelters can impliment certain rules that feels as if they are taking away out constitutional rights.. but you know, there is no law that says that these places have to house anyone ... let alone feed us!
The first thing that got to me, was the fact that the staff had to deal with so many different types of people that only a special person can do that! And they are just trying todo their jobs! I commend the staff at EHC! I am no longer there, although, my son still is! I believe that there are people he has met there, that he feels that he can help! I give a salute to my son! GO BRYAN!
In my next few posts, I will be telling of some of my experiences at EHC (Emergency Housng Consortium) Its been a real experience and I will never forget the people that I have met!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Happy Easter and.... In da City!
Well, I decided to take up the offer from my daughter..and so now here I stay in the City of San Francisco! Yesterday.. As I was driving from the south Bay.. coming into the city.. Wow.. what a difference in the weather! It was nice and decent weather as I left Santa Clara County...and as I drove north... I seen clouds, Fog, and even rain.. Oh my goodness!
I have been trying to get rid of this darned cold for 2 weeks.. and its not better yet. I know part of if was from allergies,,,, but this one s a down right \COLD.. and its not quiting.... WOW! Now that I am in a better environment.. I can feel alttle better, and well... hopefully it will not be as long to take care of it. Anyways, I will probably be on line more often now.... I now, do not have as many rules that I need to follow, and well.,... I am just praying that all things go well!
Bry.......... Take care of yourself and remember what I told you.. Just a phone call away! An Stay warm... I love you!
Off to bed I go.. and Happy Easter to all
I have been trying to get rid of this darned cold for 2 weeks.. and its not better yet. I know part of if was from allergies,,,, but this one s a down right \COLD.. and its not quiting.... WOW! Now that I am in a better environment.. I can feel alttle better, and well... hopefully it will not be as long to take care of it. Anyways, I will probably be on line more often now.... I now, do not have as many rules that I need to follow, and well.,... I am just praying that all things go well!
Bry.......... Take care of yourself and remember what I told you.. Just a phone call away! An Stay warm... I love you!
Off to bed I go.. and Happy Easter to all
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