Well this is a picture from my camera phone, of my son! This picture was taken the third day that we were at the Shelter.... (Emergency Housing Consortium). I know that we have been going through alot of emotional stuff.. and we still had adjustments to make about our lives. Doesn't he look so enthused??? LOL ... He knows that I am just kidding around. This was also before we got the information that we could even work there as volunteers and that would guarantee a place to lay our heads at night! Yea, there was the lottery system there for the most part, which meant that we had to throw our ID's into the bucket and they could call a certain amount of people and those are the ones that 'won the lottery' for that day.
Luckily, My son and I had won the lottery each.. with our fingers crossed behind our backs! :) Then we found out that there are 'programs' there! Programs to become volunteer workers, and depending on the program, it could guarantee a bed for your either 30 or 45 days! I thought, that is a good idea... I sure would feel better about working for a place to sleep, rather than to just bum, and hope and a prayer that I would know where I would sleep at night!
My son and I were told about working in the Kitchen. WE went into the kitchen one Wednesday morning, and well... we were in luck! We shouted in to the kitchen to a cook named Sherman, asking if he needed help in the kitchen... and lo and behold, we found out later on that day, they had to get rid of the crew that was there, just yesterday... meaning the day before we stuck our head in to ask! So that started the career as a volunteer in the kitchen area. I had worked for a YMCA summer camp before, so I understood the work, and the safety issues that an industrial kitchen needed to operate. My son had worked for fast food places, so he understood the commercial kitchen as well. I thought.. this is not bad... I have experience in this stuff... with all the sanitation, and cleanliness of that type of kitchen
We found out that we actually got to have lockers to put our stuff in, which is something that is so much of a luxury...
So, our first meal prepared was Scrambled Eggs, Waffles and bacon. Of Course there was juice, and water and COFFEE!
I know I was feeling productive at this point! We even got a special table for the Kitchen Staff to sit at! HeHeHeHe.. I know that sounds kind of funny, but working in a kitchen feeding approximately 150 people per meal, is hard work. This picture is one of my son.. before we started in the kitchen.. we were standing in line... waiting on a meal....
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